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Organiza on MercyOne Newton Medical Center Industry Healthcare Business Challenges Mapping IT environment to plan upgrades and integra ons Upgrading Meditech medical records system Modernizing IT infrastructure with limited resources Replacing departed IT support resources Solu ons Network core replacement Edge closet replacements Storage upgrade and replacement VMware farm upgrade and replacement Wireless management Re rement of archaic hardware with hardware as a service (HaaS) Managed services Benefits Replaced internal IT team with cost- effec ve managed services Converted CapEx to OpEx to upgrade and refresh hardware more cost-effec vely Renego ated so ware licensing to reduce costs and maintain regulatory compliance About OneNeck IT Solu ons OneNeck IT Solu ons LLC specializes in hybrid IT solu ons. This includes cloud and hos ng solu ons, managed services, enterprise applica on management, professional IT services, hardware and top- er data centers in Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Minnesota, New Jersey, Oregon and Wisconsin. OneNeck's nearly 550 professionals manage world- class, hybrid IT infrastructures and applica ons for businesses around the country. OneNeck is a wholly owned subsidiary of Telephone and Data Systems [NYSE: TDS], a Fortune 1000® company. MercyOne Newton Summary The OneNeck ® IT Solu ons Answer OneNeck worked at Wolf's direc on to quickly map the hospital's exis ng technology footprint, document it, and produce a roadmap for strategically rolling out a technology refresh. With limited financial resources and no capital budget, the team created a hardware-as-a-service model for refreshing the environment with monthly payments rather than a large ini al outlay. At the same me, OneNeck temporarily replaced the hospital's departed staff with on-site resources to help manage daily IT demands while also taking on responsibility for managing a large por on of the hospital's technology ecosystem, including network, wireless and their Cisco UCS infrastructure through a managed services agreement. "Not only did OneNeck alleviate a huge burden and a ton of stress by taking over the day-to-day opera ons and long-term support, but they were even able to get crea ve with cost models for new hardware and helped nego ate be er rates on so ware licenses," Wolf says. "They were so thorough, communica ve and efficient. It's what anyone would and should hope to find in a partner — especially when your technology becomes something of an existen al threat." In addi on, MercyOne was faced with upda ng and migra ng their medical records system (Meditech) to the new infrastructure. While outside the scope of OneNeck's established catalog of services, the OneNeck team stepped in and partnered with MercyOne in the scoping discussions with Meditech, ensuring that the updated contract pricing was fair and that the migra on to the new infrastructure went smoothly. The Benefits Wolf says that while quan fying the cost savings from the crea ve hardware-service model and renego ated so ware licenses are hard to quan fy right now, she says it's the rela onship with OneNeck that's proven the most valuable to the medical center. "A year ago, we were terrified of how we'd survive with failing and outdated technology and how we didn't have the resources to do anything about it," she explains. "OneNeck delivered the exper se, strategy, and muscle to bring us back from the precipice and put us on a sustainable path forward." 855.ONENECK ©2020 OneNeck IT Solutions LLC. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.