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eGUIDE 3 (855) ONE-NECK | A recent study from Forrester Research shows that 58 percent of the responding companies already have some type of hybrid cloud deployment. The study highlights the fact that the majority of companies now view a hybrid cloud – some combina on of public and private cloud usage – to be op mum for an effec ve IT strategy. In another study from IDC Research, the most commonly cited reason for a hybrid cloud strategy was the need for business agility. In fact, 73 percent of the IDC study respondents cite agility as the primary reason for moving to the cloud. While most private cloud produc on workloads center on large scale data volumes and infrastructure needs, workload awareness and management is o en ignored in the hybrid strategy, but is on one of the biggest factors affec ng its success. Workload Awareness and Tiers Managing and balancing workloads is crucial to an effec ve hybrid cloud strategy. The decision to deploy solu ons on public or private clouds should be directly linked to the business requirement and the SLA. As an organizing principle, many companies segment their workloads into ers, with Tier One workloads most likely to be in the private cloud for performance and control. Tier One workloads are usually those that require large scale data volumes or heavy infrastructure needs. Examples might include content serving and management, database management, big data and analy cs, or virtual desktop management. White Paper Cloudy with a Chance of Confusion The objec ve of this paper is to take a simple approach and describe the benefits of cloud and clarify for the reader the different shapes of the cloud. It focuses on what it takes to eliminate the poten al pain of transforma on to the cloud and why ini a ves such as virtual private clouds are gaining popularity. While the cloud elicits a broad range of topics and concerns, this paper focuses on cloud architectures that address compu ng infrastructure, or Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) rather than So ware as a Service (SaaS) cloud compu ng. Download Now When segmen ng workloads for your organiza on, factor the following characteris cs into your decision. The more of these factors inherent in a workload, the more likely it should be a Tier One workload with closely managed performance. Need to keep informa on confiden al Regulatory or security requirements Need for reliable consistent performance Revenue genera on Audit or change control requirements Data volume and scale Workload Priori es Many companies find that their Tier One applica ons cluster in specific business areas, especially commerce, mobility and collabora on. Commerce solu ons deserve a high priority because even slight differences in performance can adversely affect a customer and nega vely impact revenue. Users have li le or no pa ence for delays in mobile solu ons and many experts recommend a maximum of one to two seconds response me for mobile apps to keep users engaged. Go beyond two seconds and users will likely move on to another site, making it cri cal that mobile apps be served quickly. Considera ons when Developing a Hybrid Cloud Strategy