
Containers for Dummies

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CHAPTER 8 HPE's End-to-End Docker Solution 59 These materials are © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. » Fluid resource pools: With fluid pools of compute, storage, and fabric, resources can be instantly turned on and flexed to meet the needs of any business application. You aren't forced to add resources that aren't required in order to get resources that you do need. » Software-defined intelligence: HPE Synergy bakes software-defined intelligence right into the infrastructure and uses workload templates to tell the infrastructure how to compose, recompose, and update on the fly in a very repeatable, frictionless manner. The various infrastructure elements simply become an extension of the software layer. » Unified application programming interface: With these tools, the infrastructure can be programmed like code, bringing powerful Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) capabili- ties to the private data center. Figure 8-1 shows what makes composable infrastructure tick. Synergy As the first full-range composable infrastructure solution on the market, HPE Synergy is a line of hardware and software that can become the single infrastructure for all your container needs. With powerful availability, expansion, and management tools, Synergy brings cloud-like infrastructure to the private data center. I talk a bit more about Synergy later in this chapter. Storage and networking On the storage front, unlike their stateless counterparts, certain application containers require data to persist beyond the life cycle of that specific container. Through partnerships with Docker and FIGURE 8-1: Composable infrastructure architecture.

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