
Containers for Dummies

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22 Containers For Dummies, HPE and Docker Special Edition These materials are © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Control and security in a container world New data center and application architectural opportunities bring about the potential for changing how an IT organization operates. These changes may not be attributes of the new architecture, but they may be brought to the forefront based on what that archi- tecture can do. Perhaps one of the biggest organizational changes resulting from deploying containers has to do with the fact that developers can now have direct infrastructure control in ways that were exceed- ingly difficult with more traditional approaches. Of course, this is handled in concert with operations people, but the fact is that developers are far closer than they ever were before. HPE POINTNEXT: IMMUTABILITY Sean Sargent and Eliot James, Solutions Architects at HPE Pointnext, HPE's consulting arm, have deep experience with emerging data center architectures. When HPE Pointnext architects were asked about this topic, they talked about the concept of immutability. What does this mean? In short, immutability is a technical term that means that they can't be changed. A huge part of the reason that IT staff need to deploy so many monitoring tools is because things in the environment change. Change is the leading cause of performance problems and downtime, so eliminating change can reduce a whole lot of issues. HPE Pointnext architects said: Once container-based applications are deployed, the application configuration cannot drift. When applying configuration changes or patches, the current container instance running is not updated. The base image is updated, tested, and then deployed and replaces the currently running container instance. The time it takes to troubleshoot application issues [is] also greatly reduced. As issues occur, instead of checking the configu- ration of the application to see what might have changed to cause the issue, you simply deploy the standard, tested and known working version of the container to reverse any changes that might have occurred.

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