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to create a site-to-site VPN network between the head office and the interstate sites. Other sites will be brought online with Meraki MX units over time. Coopers also installed APs in their Queensland office, offering those in the field the ability to walk around any Coopers office and instantaneously hop from one AP to the next without any connection disruptions. This feature will be rolled out to other offices over time. Using the Meraki network has helped support the IT team when speaking with management as they continue to bring in new technologies to support the business and capture more data, ultimately, gaining more buy-in from management. Recently, Brazil had to install an additional MX unit in Melbourne. The device was pre-configured so when it was plugged in, all of the configurations were automatically downloaded from the cloud and the appliance was running within minutes. "The implementation of the MX device was very easy," added Brazil. Back at the brewery, a guest network was created with traffic shaping and bandwidth shaping rules in place as public brewery tours are led every day. Recently, someone on-site plugged in a home WiFi unit to test a homebrew kit. Brazil quickly spotted this and had the staff member remove the WiFi unit. He provided a separate SSID in the Meraki dashboard instead. This simple fix took under a minute to complete in the dashboard and Brazil was able to remove the offending device. Today, employees at Coopers are given tablets rather than laptops and staff members can now move and stay connected wherever they need to go around the entire brewery. Following the Meraki AP and security appliance deployment, Brazil is assessing Meraki Systems Manager, the Cisco Enterprise Mobility Management solution, to more effectively manage the Surface Pros and have control over applications, user profile rules, geofencing, and more. While that's in process, the Meraki dashboard continues to ensure that the Coopers team is able to reach production schedules, deliver beer to distributors on time, and keep Australian watering holes full of its delicious ales. "e devices are of a high quality and the mobile app is a great feature to monitor the site remotely." – Bradley Brazil, ICT Coordinator Cisco Systems, Inc. | 500 Terry A. Francois Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94158 | (415) 432-1000 | 2

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