Case Studies

Fort Dodge Community School District

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Organiza on Fort Dodge Community School District Industry K-12 educa on Business Challenges Provide solid and reliable network infrastructure to support exis ng converged services in a new middle school facility User Environment Over 400 users Five Loca ons Over 65,000 pa ents Applica on Microso Windows Servers Microso Exchange Mitel VoIP Avigilon Video Security Johnson Controls Building Card Access Technical Environment 10 facilited located throughout Fort Dodge HP 8200 & 5400 Chassis Network Switches HP 2910 Edge Switches HP P4500 Storage Area Network HP DL385 G8 Servers VMware Server Virtualiza on ® IT SOLUTIONS a TDS® Company The Benefits OneNeck and HP provided the hardware and so ware that was needed for a scalable, robust and cost-effec ve network in the new Fort Dodge Middle School; however, OneNeck went above and beyond with IT consul ng to ensure the infrastructure would be op mized for the long-term goals and IT strategy of the school district. "HP recognizes the importance of a partner like OneNeck who focuses on delivering outstanding value to the customer," said David Eichenauer, HP Partner Business Manager. "HP heavily relies on top- er partners like OneNeck to invest in training and cer fica ons in order to deliver cu ng-edge solu ons to our mutual customers and OneNeck always hits the mark. That's why OneNeck is an HP Pla num partner – our highest designa on." Since leveraging the advanced technology and professional exper se of OneNeck and HP, Fort Dodge Middle School has created a be er learning and working environment for the staff and students. The students and teachers have access to advanced technology that enhances the learning experience in classrooms, while the administra ve staff is able to streamline communica on and collabora on for an efficient and produc ve workplace. With solu ons that guarantee data protec on and a secure school and work environment, Fort Dodge Middle School can worry less about managing IT and focus more on maintaining the high- quality educa on and work environment that con nues to keep the Fort Dodge School District a leader in the region. With the technology provided by HP and OneNeck, Fort Dodge Middle School now has the resources and capabili es to carry out its commitment to the students it serves. Fort Dodge Middle School is crea ng lifelong learners who believe in themselves by providing bigger opportuni es for a brighter future. About OneNeck IT Solutions OneNeck IT Solu ons LLC specializes in hybrid IT solu ons. This includes cloud and hos ng solu ons, managed services, enterprise applica on management, professional IT services, hardware and top- er data centers in Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Minnesota, New Jersey, Oregon and Wisconsin. OneNeck's nearly 550 professionals manage world-class, hybrid IT infrastructures and applica ons for businesses around the country. OneNeck is a wholly owned subsidiary of Telephone and Data Systems [NYSE: TDS], a Fortune 1000® company. Fort Dodge School District Summary Quality of Service (QoS) and security. With the exper se and experience of OneNeck and the IT hardware of HP, it was the perfect partnership to provide the best possible solu on. The benefits of working with OneNeck are no secret among schools in the region. "I heard about OneNeck from other school districts in the area that used them for virtualiza on, storage, backup and disaster recovery services. They have a reputa on among the North Central Iowa school districts for their customer service and reliability. I chose them as our IT services provider back in 2010 and con nue to work with them today," said Pearson. "They understood the importance of technology in educa on. They didn't just drop off the hardware and make sure it worked. They looked at the overall IT strategy and made recommenda ons I hadn't even considered. They truly care about the success of their customers." 855.ONENECK ©2021 OneNeck IT Solutions LLC. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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