
State & Local Government Cybersecurity

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The Threat Landscape Cyber-a acks con nue to evolve in scope and sophis ca on – it's much larger than hacking and data breaches. Research firm Gartner forsees the worldwide informa on security market is forecast to reach $170.4 billion in 2022. According to IBM, the average cost of a data breach is $3.86 million as of 2020. While scale and scope vary, a acks fall into one of the following five categories. 1. Network and Applica on Layer A acks Applica on layer a acks are the hardest to defend against, because this is the layer that is most exposed. These a acks result in a suspension of internet- connected server and network resources. Exploit kits, readily available on the black market, make these a acks easy to launch and difficult for companies to resolve. There are many different methods — here a just a few: Denial of service (DDoS) — This a ack targets either the applica on layer or the network layer where traffic floods the network to prevent authorized users from accessing informa on or services. Network level: Malicious packets are sent over many different network protocols to clog the pipes to consume the bandwidth and prevent access to the target. Applica on level: Also known as an HTTP flood, consumes a Web server's CPU and RAM to deny legi mate clients from accessing the server. Brute Force — Passwords, session iden fiers, directories and credit cards are deciphered through trial and error to determine an unknown value by using an automated process. This a ack underlines the importance of using complicated passwords and two-factor authen ca on. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) A acks — A acks with names like Lucky 13, RC4 Cipher, Heartbleed, POODLE, Shellshock and FREAK work to decrypt protected browser cookies and encrypted SSL communica ons. 02 3 oneneck.com

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