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How to Choose a Hybrid IT Solu on
There are various factors that government departments should consider
when choosing the right mix of hybrid IT solu ons. Security, for example,
is paramount when moving to a cloud environment. In a recent survey,
commercial organiza ons cited loss or the of intellectual property,
malware infec ons and compliance viola ons as some of the risks
associated with cloud implementa on.
System latencies — the amount of me it takes for a system to perform a
task — should also be of concern, as should the management applica ons
and tools available to the end user. Hybrid cloud infrastructure needs to
integrate well with exis ng government systems, too, preven ng delays
and loss of valuable data. Selec ng a combina on of public and private
cloud services would benefit a government department who wants to
enhance security without compromising service.
Outdated legacy systems cost a significant amount of money to maintain
and are laden with security issues. Hybrid environments, on the other
hand, streamline data management and op mize security. Eighty-two
percent of commercial enterprises now have a hybrid cloud strategy
— eight percent more than in 2014. Now it's me for government
departments to invest in this technology, too.
At OneNeck, we have exper se in guiding government en es down the
cloud path, ensuring that they improve opera ons and save costs while
mee ng all of their compliance and security regula ons. Whether they
choose to colocate their cri cal data in one of our highly-secure data
center facili es or u lize our secure, hosted private cloud, ReliaCloud, or
even u lize some form of public cloud, we guide you each step of the way
to ensure your data remains secure and on the right cloud, or clouds, for
your government organiza on.