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About OneNeck IT Solutions OneNeck IT Solu ons provides world-class, hybrid IT solu ons for thousands of businesses around the globe. From cloud and hos ng solu ons to managed services, ERP applica on management, professional services, IT hardware and top- er data centers in Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Minnesota, Oregon and Wisconsin, OneNeck has the exper se to help customers navigate the cloud to get the right applica on on the right cloud at the right me. OneNeck is a wholly owned subsidiary of Telephone and Data Systems, Inc. [NYSE: TDS]. A Fortune 1000® company, TDS provides wireless; wireline and cable broadband, TV and voice; and hosted and managed services to approximately six million customers na onwide. Another deciding factor in choosing OneNeck was the onsite staff. Mr. Bokody con nues, "The OneNeck data center staff is incredible. I've been in at all mes of the day, even in the middle of the night, and it's the same experience – your people are great." In addi on to partnering with OneNeck for coloca on services, UniPath has been taking advantage of OneNeck's OneAssist Program. OneAssist gives customers an opportunity to u lize OneNeck's engineering exper se on an as-needed basis. Mr. Bokody stated that, "OneAssist has been a good fit for us, and we've u lized it several mes, most recently for network and Cisco security issues. It's good to know we have support when we need it." As me moves on, OneNeck and UniPath con nue to grow their partnership, but a key part of that is the rela onship between Mr. Bokody and his OneNeck Account Manager. Mr. Bokody con nues, "My Account Manager is the best. As an IT Director, I don't have a lot of me to wonder about if my partner is posi oning a product that's good for me or just good for them, and I don't have to worry about that with my OneNeck Account Manager. I know, if he's pu ng it in front of me, it's good for me and ul mately our business." 855.ONENECK Part #9.2.30_CSUNI_0318_v1 ©2018 OneNeck IT Solutions LLC. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.