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eGUIDE 3 (855) ONE-NECK | Most organiza ons struggle with keeping their IT infrastructure opera ng at peak efficiency while also managing the costs associated with the task. An organiza on has three choices to help accomplish this feat: 1. In-House - Maintain your IT infrastructure internally. This is the most common route taken by most enterprises and o en presents several challenges including: a. Finding and retaining talent with all the necessary skills to manage every aspect of an IT environment b. Mee ng compliance mandates c. Helping the business maximize produc vity and achieve scalability, all while reducing costs 2. Managed Services – Outsource IT management to an MSP whom will assume responsibility for support and maintenance services which are designed to make sure IT "just works." A managed services model presents its own share of challenges as well, including: a. An organiza on may feel less in control of their IT environment once placed in the hands of an MSP b. Poten al disrup ons during transi on to the MSP 3. Hybrid IT Approach - Keep mission-cri cal applica ons in-house but outsource those that need to leverage the scalability, exper se or cost- efficiencies a MSP offers. Challenges exist in this model as well, which include: a. Mee ng business objec ves with on- and off- premise environments b. Targe ng workloads to the appropriate infrastructures c. Balancing technical obsolescence with predictable economics In summary, there's no right way to manage your IT infrastructure. If you first iden fy the key issues and accurately determine the cost of those areas within your business, that will help you understand the costs and benefits of working with an IT services partner. Next, look at the management models available, and compare the strengths and weaknesses of each, paying close a en on to cost impact and your strategic business needs. Once these issues are clear, making the decision becomes much easier. In-House vs. Managed Services vs. Hybrid Approach - What's Best for Your Business?