
Considerations When Selecting a Data Center in Des Moines, Iowa

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3 (855) ONE-NECK | www.OneNeck.com Overview This eBook provides an in-depth look at key considera ons to keep in mind when selec ng a data center provider in Des Moines, Iowa. The goal is to give you the detail you need to evaluate data center providers, facili es and processes, and ensure you find the provider that meets your unique requirements. Des Moines has many factors that make it a great loca on for data centers. Low Disaster Risk. Iowa has zero hurricane hazard and very low seismic risk in comparison to either coasts' high risk of natural disasters or manmade destruc on from terror threats. The Midwest has been consistently ranked as one of the best for constant, uninterrupted power service, so the chances of an energy blackout or brownout are minimal. The area has also been considered to have one of the world's most advanced telecommunica ons networks, which makes it a focal point for both long-haul and transcon nental fiber networks. Low Power Costs. Unlike the coasts, the Midwest has become extremely progressive in both energy produc on and distribu on. Quality Connec vity Op ons. Des Moines is home to a number of prominent carriers with quality fiber and Internet, increasing connec vity op ons and to reducing latency. Easily Accessible. When travel me is being taken into account, you can't get more centrally located than the Midwest. Businesses on the East and West coasts can take advantage of its loca on by commu ng effortlessly from anywhere in the Con nental US. This means you're nearby major Interstates like I-80 or I-35, or only a mere 3-4 hour flight away from the Midwest at even the farthest points in the country if you prefer to travel via airplane. When si ing through the many op ons for a data center provider, it can be a daun ng task. This eBook provides an in-depth look at key points you'll need to consider for selec ng the right data center partner in Des Moines.

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