(855) ONE-NECK | www.OneNeck.com
CONSIDERATION 2: Availability
When evalua ng a data center partner, you must consider that the poten al
cost of a data center outage con nues to rise as more cri cal business systems
come to rely on informa on housed in the data center. The Ponemon Ins tute
(in a study sponsored by Emerson Network Power) published the Cost of Data
Center Outages study in 2015. The purpose of the study is to analyze the cost
consequences of unplanned data center outages. The study reports:
The average cost of a data center outage was $740,000, up 46% from 2010
to 2015.
The average cost per minute was $8,851, up 58% from 2010 to 2015.
This cost of an outage much higher in certain ver cals – communica ons,
healthcare, e-commerce and financial services.
We addressed this from the start with the OneNeck Denver Data Center and
designed it around an extreme availability architecture. What does that mean?
We offer industrial-grade environmental systems that minimize risk from
electrical power failure, fire, acts of nature and unauthorized access.
We take a carrier neutral approach with mul ple fiber providers available,
crea ng deep redundancy in our connec vity.
And, we offer our own enterprise-class, mul carrier Internet bandwidth
The OneNeck Denver Data Center opened for business on July 1, 2015,
and to date, has never had an outage. OneNeck guarantees up me with a
100% up me guarantee, and we back this promise with financially-backed
Service Level Agreements (SLAs).
$250,000 $300,000
Lost Revenue
The Costly Breakdown