
Remote Workforce

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At OneNeck IT Solu ons, remote working is an integral part of our workforce opera ng model. This is not the case with many companies. Shi ing a workforce from the office to remote sites is both a physical change and a cultural one. These companies tend to share the following characteris cs: Most employees work in the office. Collabora on is typically face-to-face. Remote equipment, access and bandwidth are limited. The culture is not tech-savvy. Without the right prepara on, transi oning from office to remote work can present several issues, including: A shortage of the right devices to cover workforce needs. Inadequate security configura ons for a workforce outside the exis ng security perimeter. Insufficient bandwidth and capacity for remote working. Latency issues that impact produc vity when workers are accessing common programs remotely. Backlogged equipment order fulfillment. We understand your issues. A Crisis Brings Focus Many companies were taken by surprise when the COVID-19 pandemic changed their working environment. A crisis such as this can create a great learning opportunity for managing these types of situa ons in the future. You can apply the lessons learned to prepare for any future emergency or to create a remote workforce for the long term, or both. 3 oneneck.com

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