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Victra TCO and Case Study

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When totalling not just the cost of the physical equipment and licensing for Meraki, but also the full cost of time and resources dedicated to deploying and managing over 1,200 stores, Victra realized a savings of over 80% over 3-years. Table 6 shows the per store comparison of total ownership costs associated with Meraki versus the previous networking solution. This means that with Meraki, Victra can bring to life 6 stores in the time it would have taken to deploy one store. With those odds, Victra is better equipped to handle their continued scale as their stores take over the country. "IT'S BEEN EASY, EASY, EASY" with MX60s or MX64Ws at each of the retail locations. Stanton is also using the Meraki MC phones and has tested the Enterprise Mobility Management solutions as well. The ease of deployment and level of control and visibility that Meraki provides has allowed the IT team to quickly solve problems, which is the costs saved over 3 years of management, deployment, and troubleshooting, in addition to the lifetime value of the hardware, Meraki was a "clear winner." No other solution matched the competitive pricing and scalability of Meraki. For Stanton and his team, time is a valuable resource, and he is excited that Meraki helps free up time for his team so that they can focus on the next big project at hand. "It's been easy, easy easy. Meraki has been so easy to deploy, easy to manage, easy to scale. I honestly don't see another solution we would have been able to use for this type of growth" – Joseph Rivera-Santiago, Lead Systems Administrator Out of Stanton's team, only 5 people are capable of setting up the previous network, compared to 15 people on the team who can now set up launches, but when A Wireless launches hundreds of stores at a time, as with an upcoming rollout of 500 new stores, those 15 people are l ng security policies, and more. By worrying less about the "nitty-gritty" work, as Rivera-Santiago described it, Stanton's team has more time to focus on important projects that enable store managers and employees with a smooth rollout. SIX MERAKI STORES CAN BE BROUGHT LIVE FOR THE COST OF ONE STORE COMPARED TO PREVIOUS NETWORKING TECHNOLOGIES TABLE 6 - TOTAL TCO PER STORE OVER 3 YEARS MERAKI PREVIOUS Hardware costs per store $1,855 $1,800 Deployment costs per store $115 $380 Ongoing costs per store $338 $11,700 3-yr TCO per store $2,308 $13,880 Cisco Systems, Inc. | 500 Terry A. Francois Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94158 | (415) 432-1000 | 5

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