Case Studies

Victra TCO and Case Study

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HARDWARE AND LICENSING and his team not only looked at hardware and licensing costs, but also ease of management given their limited resources and intent to scale. Getting the security appliances up to date was most important for Victra. Beyond that, consumer-grade wireless and switching solutions would have been enough for each store location, but they also had the need for the ability to refresh and upgrade after 3 years. With Mer here are receive and implement in a reliable, reoccurring manner. QTY MERAKI PRICE SUB TOTAL PREVIOUS PRICE SUB TOTAL Wireless 0 Included with MX $ – $ – Consumer-grade (e.g. Netgear) $200 $200 Switches 1 MS220-8P + 3YR License $850 $850 Traditional Switches $200 $200 Security 1 MX64 + 3YR License - Advanced Security $1,005 $1,005 Traditional Security $1,400 $1,400 MERAKI TOTAL $1,855 PREVIOUS TOTAL $1,800 TABLE 1 - HARDWARE & LICENSING COSTS PER STORE STORES QTY MERAKI HARDWARE COSTS PREVIOUS HARDWARE COSTS Existing 670 $ 1,242,850 $1,206,000 Future 500 $927,500 $900,000 $2,170,350 $2,106,000 TABLE 2 - TOTAL HARDWARE COSTS FOR ALL STORE Table 1 outlines the general hardware costs for a single store. Stanton and his team had already deployed 670 stores and expect to open with the same Meraki setup, which costs are outlined in Table 2. Today, Victra is a full Meraki shop with wireless, switching, and security solutions powering the network. Since Meraki licensing works in aggregate, as new appliances are purchased and added to the network, Victra saw their license expiration date continue to extend without the need for renewals, which was "A Wireless is chaotic, but with Meraki, it's easy to keep up with the chaos. Everyone else scales at expected rates, while we're here taking over the whole country." – Joseph Rivera-Santiago, Lead Systems Administrator Cisco Systems, Inc. | 500 Terry A. Francois Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94158 | (415) 432-1000 | 2

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