
Meraki Manufacturing Overview Guide

Issue link: https://insights.oneneck.com/i/1226244

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6 Cisco Systems, Inc. | www.oneneck.com/cisco-meraki-demo 100% Cloud-Managed IT Product Family Award-Winning Cloud Management Architecture • Network-wide visibility and control • No on-site controller hardware • Automatic monitoring and alerts • Seamless over-the-web upgrades • Scales to networks of all sizes To try Cisco Meraki yourself, visit meraki.cisco.com/eval "[Meraki] permeates every aspect of the business. e full visibility is hugely beneficial as a manager. We've removed issues, increased reliability and performance, and employees are now very happy." — James Greene, Group IT Manager, SAS International "It just works, it's an affordable solution, and it's easy to manage. Simple as that. I would recommend Meraki highly." — Patrick Garrett, Technology Specialist, Columbia Steel "Installing the Meraki APs was a piece of cake compared to any other solution where you have to configure each individual device. You plug it in and you're done." — Jason McCallum, Senior Network Engineer, Priefert Manufacturing "Our network problems have been reduced quite significantly — I would say by about 80% — when we went full stack Meraki." — Bilal Khan, Global Network Manager and Security Architect, ATC Wireless (MR): Supports 100+ users per AP for high-density lecture hall deployments and BYOD EMM (SM): Cloud-based centralized management of iOS devices, Android devices, Macs, PCs, and more Communications (MC): Simple-to-install and easy-to-manage telephony for deployments of any size Security Cameras (MV): Standalone cameras with remote viewing, analytics, and motion control search Security (MX): Feature-rich security and networking, with up-to-date content filtering and AMP Switching (MS): Centrally managed Layer 3 Ethernet switches designed for reliability and performance

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