
eBook_Protecting Your Org with Strong Security Controls

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oneneck.com/it-security-services 5 Sec on Three Virtual CISO Services A virtual CISO can help you strengthen your security program. We recognize that organizations that fall into the IG1 and IG2 categories often need support evolving their security programs, but they don't have unlimited resources — or a chief information security officer (CISO) — to accomplish this important goal. To address this gap, OneNeck offers our Virtual CISO service to provide you with on-demand strategic and operational support to meet your unique security needs, without the time delays and high cost of hiring a full-time security expert. "We stay up to date on the latest security threats, so you don't have to. If cybersecurity strategy and risk assessments are a core competency of yours, that's great. But if not, we can stand in the gap and help you create a security program that accomplishes what you need, without overengineering systems or processes." – Ka e McCullough, CISO, OneNeck Your Virtual CISO can work with you to: 1. Determine your current state. Assess and document your current state based on your organization's specific regulatory requirements, solution portfolio, risk tolerance, and corporate vision. 2. Develop a security strategy. Review your current- state and facilitate the development of an effective, agile and rigorous risk-based security methodology. 3. Establish an action plan. Based on the security strategy, we'll help you create a plan of action based on your risk exposure, industry, team dynamics, and CIS Controls–based methodology for continual testing and improvement. 4. Determine key next steps. If you identify gaps or threats, we can help you address them promptly. Our security services include infrastructure and application security, identity and access management, advanced threat protection solutions, security operations, and additional security advisory services. 5. Create a proactive security program. We can help you increase your risk maturity over time, so that you evolve your processes and technologies to address the latest threats. By providing skilled expertise on a reliable, ongoing basis, security service providers can help organizations with both the proactive and responsive aspects of systematic security implementation, to protect not only against ransomware but also against a range of other cybersecurity threats. - 451 Research, Meeting the Ransomware Challenge

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