
Are You and Your DR Plan Feeling Lucky

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eGUIDE 5 (855) ONE-NECK | www.OneNeck.com number to call, an alterna ve office loca on to go to or a plan for working from home/remotely? Such scenarios must be worked out and communicated in advance – before disaster strikes. Knowing the Difference & Planning Ahead The cloud is a useful pla orm to address both BC and DR, but you must understand the differences for effec ve planning. Your organiza on must priori ze your data and systems by importance and determine what is cri cal to op mize recovery efforts. Another big considera on is to evaluate the cost to your business if an asset is lost or there is significant down me. To ensure you right-size your efforts, first assess the value of each cri cal asset and determine a specific plan for each. A failure to plan ahead can be detrimental to your business. If you don't have a DR and BC plan in place, or if you haven't examined yours for some me, OneNeck IT Solu ons is here to help. Our team of experienced professionals is ready to learn about your plans, walk you through the op ons, and design and deploy a DR and BC plan that ensures your business is adequately protected.

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