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11 Microsoft Premiere Support helped Infosys design a solution based on SQL Server 2012, Always-On High Availability (a feature in SQL Server), and an 8-node Windows Cluster with Failover Cluster Instances for 11 SQL Server cluster instances. The team blocked off a year to create an upgrade and migration plan that would reduce down time. This included: 01. Completing a feasibility study, as well as proof-of-concept and network bandwidth testing 02. Generating reports to highlight and address upgrade obstacles 03. Assessing the risk of online transaction processing environment and the upgrade complexities for new features and add-ons in SQL Server 2012 04. Creating performance baselines and comparing and analyzing pre- and post- upgrade query performance 05. Scripting, testing, and automating a majority of the upgrade tasks 06. Creating a step-by-step and overall review of the upgrade plan Infosys and Microsoft Premiere Support completed the upgrade and data migration over a few days. Once complete, Infosys saw immediate performance improvements: • Reporting latency dropped from two hours to near real-time • Speed of frequently run data queries improved by 70 percent • Execution of BI reports reached near real-time Other benefits included broader integration with third-party applications and access to new BI tools such as Tabular Models in SQL Server Analysis Services. And with the added ability to scale SQL Server workloads on demand from its datacenter to the cloud, Infosys can now build hybrid BI and OLTP apps that are more powerful and will help the company perform at its peak. Chapter 05 Advancing, transforming, and thriving The path to migration

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