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06 As companies mature they adapt to a certain way of doing things. Regardless of the situation, your existing software has value and moving to a new system shouldn't mean losing your historical data. With Azure VMs and Azure SQL Database Managed Instance you can seamlessly migrate, and manage heterogenous workloads. And because Azure SQL Database Managed Instance has almost full feature parity with nearly 100 percent of SQL Server 2008, you can run your applications in the cloud with few, or zero, code changes. Chapter 03 Bringing your legacy with you Chapter 03 Bringing your legacy with you Allscripts is a Chicago-based professional services firm that develops and hosts software for hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, and pharmaceutical companies around the world. Through a corporate acquisition, the company inherited roughly 1,000 virtual machines (VMs) containing dozens of applications running on older versions of Windows Server and SQL Server, or on Linux. Migration goals Combine newly acquired workloads, consolidate data centers, increase data security. Bringing your legacy with you 03.

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