You'll have noticed that cost reduction is also very high on the list for
survey respondents. We believe that cost reduction and operational ef-
ficiency go hand in hand with one another for many people. However,
we also understand that hyperconvergence has the potential to dra-
matically improve how the IT budget is constructed.
Up Next
Alignment is about more than just technology. It's also about people
and hyperconvergence can—and will—have some impact on you.
Don't let hyperconvergence worry you with regard to what it means
for your job. To learn more about how the technology impacts the
IT pro and the organization look for
The Gorilla Guide to Hyperconverged
Infrastructure Implementation Strategies.
A L I G N I N G A R C H I T E C T U R E & P R I O R I T I E S
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