Intelligent Work Processes
The combined use of ar ficial intelligence
(AI) and automa on is con nuing to spread,
as organiza ons realize how it will help them
create more efficient working environments. In
fact, according to a 2018 CompTIA study, AI,
blockchain, and VR/AR are the top technologies
driving enterprise digital transforma on.
It's not that AI and associated technologies will
replace the need for humans, but as Informa on
Management summarizes, AI will do a lot of the
upfront, tedious work, in turn freeing humans to
focus on resolving complex cases that involve
resolving ambiguous informa on, exercising
judgment in difficult cases and dealing with
dissa sfied customers - unlocking what they call
the third wave of business transforma on. The
resul ng efficiencies here are only beginning to
be realized.
The Growth & Acceptance of Cloud
The role of the cloud in digital transforma on is
undeniable. When adopted and driven by an over-arching
strategy, the cloud brings huge benefits: efficiency, speed,
cost reduc ons and significant impact to the bo om-line.
At the end of the day, digital transforma on is about using
technology to drive faster responsiveness to customer
and workforce demands, and that means suppor ng
highly scalable workloads and applica ons for which the
cloud is most o en a perfect fit.
Cost Savings
Digital transforma on can deliver significant cost savings
to any organiza on willing to embrace it, from higher
workforce produc vity, increased customer engagement,
and op miza on of your opera ons with intelligent
processes and modern technologies. While some
transforma on ini a ves may require upfront investment,
the poten al back-end benefits are hard to dispute.