What is Digital Transformation?
If there's anything that's consistent about the term digital
transforma on, it's that no one person, analyst or business
defines it exactly the same. But for the sake of defining it
here, it is the applica on of technology to facilitate new
business models, processes, applica ons and systems that
lead to increased revenue and efficiencies and greater
compe ve advantage.
The Time to Start Your Transformation Was
Ready or not, digital transforma on is here. Organiza ons
that embrace it can quickly breathe new life into business
processes, products, employees and customers. Industries
that don't, or fail to leverage it fully, will quickly find
themselves way behind the compe on. But where does
an organiza on start? We know it's happening, and we
know it's cri cal, but ar cula ng the need and priori zing
where to start is an all-too-common challenge.
In this eBook, we will look at some of the common
challenges facing today's organizations that digital
transformation can help solve, as well as some tangible
steps that you can take as you embark on this step-by-
step journey.
2018 will be a year of reckoning for those
that have held on too long or tried to
bootstrap their way through transforming
their business. Simply put, the distance
between customer expecta ons and
the reality on the ground is becoming so
great that a slow and gradual transi on
is no longer possible. Incrementalism
may feel good, but it masks the quiet
deteriora on of the business.
Forrester: Predic ons 2018 - A Year of Reckoning