
Cisco Data Privacy Benchmark Study

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CISCO CYBERSECURITY SERIES 2019 Data Privacy Benchmark Study 7 Respondents were also asked to identify the reasons for any privacy-related sales delays at their organizations. The top responses included the need to investigate specific customer requests, translating privacy information into the customer's language, educating the customer about the company's privacy practices or processes, or having to redesign the product to meet the customer's privacy requirements. (See Figure 7) Business benefits of privacy investments Organizations that have invested in getting ready for GDPR have done so primarily to avoid the significant fines and other penalties associated with not meeting the regulation. However, as the research indicates, there are other significant business benefits associated with these privacy investments. In looking at the sales delays due to privacy issues, the average delay for selling to existing customers was 3.9 weeks. However, those organizations which reported they are meeting all or most of GDPR's requirements had an average sales delay of 3.4 weeks, compared to 4.5 weeks for organizations which aren't yet ready but expect to be within a year, and 5.4 weeks for those organizations that are over a year away from being GDPR ready. Thus, the least prepared organizations have average delays that are nearly 60% longer than those who are most prepared. (See Figure 8) Figure 7 Source: Cisco 2019 Data Privacy Benchmark Study 49% We need to investigate specific/unusual requirements for the customer/prospect before they felt comfortable with our privacy practices. 42% We need to translate information about our privacy policies/processes into the customer's / prospect's language. 39% The customer/prospect needs to lean more about our privacy policies or processes. 38% Our product or service needs to be redesigned to meet the customer's/prospect's privacy requirements. 33% We are unable or unwilling to meet the customer's/prospect's privacy requirements (e.g., data breach policies, data deletion requirements). 28% It takes time to find the right person or team to respond to the customer's/prospect's questions. 17% We have to resolve questions as to which party is ultimately accountable or liable for the data. 5% We have to involve our lawyers to clarify uncertainty regarding the law. While a majority of companies reported having a data breach in the last year, a lower percentage (74%) of the GDPR-ready companies were impacted, compared to 80% of the organizations less than a year from GDPR readiness and 89% of those that are farthest from being GDPR ready. Reasons for sales delays Percent of respondents, N=1812 7

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