
Cisco Data Privacy Benchmark Study

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CISCO CYBERSECURITY SERIES 2019 Data Privacy Benchmark Study 5 Respondents were asked to identify the most significant challenges their organizations faced in getting ready for GDPR. The top responses were data security, internal training, evolving regulations, and Privacy by Design requirements. (See Figure 3) Sales delays due to privacy Respondents were asked whether they are experiencing delays in their sales cycles due to customers' data privacy concerns. 87% of respondents said they do have sales delays, whether from existing customers or prospects. (See Figure 4) This is significantly higher than the 66% of respondents who reported sales delays in last year's survey and is likely due to the increased awareness of the importance of data privacy, GDPR becoming enforceable, and the emergence of other privacy laws and requirements. Data privacy has become a board-level issue for many organizations, and customers are making sure their vendors and business partners have adequate answers to their privacy concerns before doing business together. When asked about the length of the delay, the estimates varied widely. The average delay for sales to existing customers was 3.9 weeks, and over 94% of organizations reported delays between 0 and 10 weeks. Nonetheless, there were some organizations reporting delays up to 25 to 50 weeks or more. (See Figure 5) Note that the average delay for sales to prospects was 4.7 weeks, perhaps reflecting the longer timeframes needed to adequately address privacy concerns in a new potential customer relationship. These average delays Figure 3 Source: Cisco 2019 Data Privacy Benchmark Study 42% Meeting data security requirements 39% Internal training 35% Staying on top of the ever-evolving developments as the regulation matures 34% Complying with Privacy By Design Requirements 34% Meeting data subject access requests 31% Cataloging and inventorying our data 30% Enabling data deletion requests 29% Hiring/identifying Data Protection Officers for each relevant geography 28% Vendor management Most significant challenges in getting ready for GDPR Percent of respondents, N=3098 Figure 4 Yes No 87% 13% Respondents experiencing delays in their sales cycles due to customers' data privacy concerns Percent of respondents, N=2064 Source: Cisco 2019 Data Privacy Benchmark Study Sales delays due to customer data privacy concerns continue to be an issue for most organizations. reported they have delays in selling to existing customers or prospects, which is up significantly from last year. 87 % 5

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