
Cisco Data Privacy Benchmark Study

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CISCO CYBERSECURITY SERIES 2019 Data Privacy Benchmark Study 11 Maximizing the value of data Data privacy is one critical aspect of an organization's overall effort to maximize the value of its data assets over the data's lifecycle. Like any other asset, data should be efficiently acquired, stored, protected, utilized, and archived/deleted. Organizations that maximize the value of their data in appropriate ways can benefit greatly by building trust with customers and using well- protected and curated data to enhance the customer experience and drive greater value for all stakeholders. Respondents in this survey were asked about a range of behaviors typically found in mature data environments, such as having a complete data catalog, connecting data to other assets, hiring a chief data officer, and monetizing the data externally. (See Figure 12) Fewer than one-half of the survey respondents exhibited each of these characteristics, and this will be an area for further research to better understand how organizations are maximizing the value of their data assets. Implications These results highlight that privacy investment has created business value far beyond compliance and has become an important competitive advantage for many companies. Organizations should therefore work to understand the implications of their privacy investments, including reducing delays in their sales cycle and lowering the risk and costs associated with data breaches as well as other potential benefits like agility/innovation, competitive advantage, and operational efficiency. The analysis and insights from this survey can serve as a framework and starting point for each organization to maximize the value from its privacy investments. Organizations reporting they are meeting all or most of GDPR's requirements had an average sales delay of 3.4 weeks. Figure 12 Source: Cisco 2019 Data Privacy Benchmark Study 42% We understand the value of most/all of our data assets. 42% We know where most/all of the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is located and how it is used. 40% We are effective in connecting different data assets together to create more value for our customers and ourselves. 37% We have a relatively complete catalog of our data assets. 32% We have a chief data officer. 32% We consider ourselves an information-centric company. 30% We are able to monetize selected data assets by selling (or bartering) them externally. 2% None of the above. Behaviors typically found in mature data environments. Percent of respondents, N=3259 Organizations that maximize the value of their data in appropriate ways can benefit greatly by building trust with customers and using well- protected and curated data to enhance the customer experience and drive greater value for all stakeholders. 11

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