Enterprise Cloud Index

Most enterprises have embarked on a journey to reach their IT operating model
of choice: hybrid cloud infrastructure.

Global IT teams are planning substantial infrastructure changes.

Strategic business outcomes are driving change more so than economics.

Respondents running hybrid clouds are planning to focus on driving positive
business impact as a result of COVID-19.

The global pandemic has raised IT’s profile and fueled cloud adoption.

Businesses increasingly rely on multiple public clouds to meet their needs.

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Top 20 HCI Questions Answered
Top 20 HCI Questions Answered

Get your top 20 hyperconvergence questions answered, like what is HCI, what problems does it solve and how ...

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OneNeck Case Study-Grinnell Mutual Insurance
OneNeck Case Study-Grinnell Mutual Insurance

Grinnell Mutual insurance partners with OneNeck IT Solutions to solve unique business challenges including ...