Microsoft Azure Government

Today’s state and local governments are continually called on to do more with less. Not only must they strive to satisfy an increasingly demanding constituency that expects services to be always-on, but they must do so in the face of a reduced staff and budget.

In addition, government entities require 24/7/365 access to their data, desktops, applications and communications from anywhere on any device, which is why leveraging a cloud solution is increasingly becoming a “go-to” approach for government.

To no surprise, many state and local CIO’s are still foggy about cloud infrastructure. While most of the benefits of using hosted computing services are obvious, it’s still unclear which the right
approach is? Is it better to use a private cloud or public cloud? How do you choose the right cloud strategy for your business computing needs?

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Building your Business Case for Hybrid Work Environments
Building your Business Case for Hybrid Work Environments

Learn how Cisco and OneNeck can transition government employees to a flexible, scalable and secure hybrid w...

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City of Minneapolis
City of Minneapolis

Discover how the City of Minneapolis saves $3M annually with managed IT services