GDPR Drives Compliance: Trends and Factors Affecting Security Teams and Project Prioritization

The attention around the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), with its timelines for notification, new requirements for identity and privacy and significant potential fines, has added to substantial industry requirements already present and pushed compliance requirements to the top of the list of pain points and security projects.

This report will help you navigate these changes, with topics like:

  • Top pain points: While end-user behavior continues to be a top pain point for companies with fewer than 10,000 employees, respondents from very large organizations are struggling with cloud security.
  • Compliance jumping the queue: The EU enactment of the GDPR in May has pushed compliance to the forefront of security project priorities for the coming year.
  • Endpoint security: Endpoint security remains relevant. It is still the most widely adopted (91%) security technology across organizations of all sizes.
  • Compromised endpoints: On average, companies with fewer than 1,000 employees spend 5.2 hours a week cleaning up compromised endpoints. Larger organizations with many more endpoints to manage are spending 8.5 to 13.5 hours a week.

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